Natural Gilsonite Lump Supplier

The supplier supplies natural gilsonite lump directly to the market. Gilsonite is used in the production of bitumen and asphalt, and for this reason the market is very prosperous. This has led to its supply and distribution in bulk so that buyers who need to supply a large amount of this material to carry out their projects, can meet their needs in a shorter time and at a more reasonable cost. Today, in addition to the face-to-face sales method, gilsonite is also offered online.

Natural Gilsonite Lump Supplier

How Natural Gilsonite Lump Is Used?

How Natural Gilsonite Lump Is Used? Gilsonite is a natural resin hydrocarbon. This bitumen is like concentrated petroleum bitumen, which is called natural bitumen and mineral bitumen. Gilsonite is soluble in aromatic petroleum solvents and fatty solvents such as petroleum bitumen.
Due to its excellent compatibility with petroleum products, it is often used to loosen and tighten them. Gilsonite is a substantially black, shiny substance that resembles glass minerals. It is brittle and easily turns into a dark brown powder.
Gilsonite is found in vertical veins below the soil surface. The width of these veins is between 2 to 6 feet, which sometimes reaches 28 feet. These veins are usually parallel to each other and extend from northwest to southeast. These veins may be very long, up to 1,500 miles deep.
Gilsonite is used in many different ways, but the most common method is micronized. micronized gilsonite powder has different sizes so that it can be used in different projects.
This valuable material is used in more than 160 types, different products, directly and indirectly. Among the places where Gilsonite capabilities can be used are the following.

  • Paint industry
  • Drilling and cementing oil wells
  • Making bitumen mortar
  • Casting industry
  • Asphalt and paving of roads

Gilsonite has been used in the paint industry for many years. It is used in paints where bitumen forms the base of the paint. High nitrogen content of gilsonite increases adhesion and stability against ultraviolet light.

Gilsonite is used in drilling fluids to cement oil wells. This mineral is a unique and well-established combination of Gilsonite grades used for the proper operation of drilling mud to stabilize shale (oil well walls).

Gilsonite is used as a carbonate additive in casting sands to create smoother plates on gray iron molds. Gilsonite is also used in asphalt mixes as a factor to increase efficiency and effectiveness. Asphalt mixed with high grade gilsonite becomes completely one-piece without the need for other modifiers that are added to the asphalt in powder form.

Gilsonite, in whole or in part, or as a supplement in terms of value and price, can replace SBS polymers in asphalt modifiers.

Are Gilsonite Lump Different in Quality?

Are Gilsonite Lump Different in Quality?

Gilsonite, which is also called natural rock asphalt, has different qualities due to its chemical properties. The most important chemical properties that affect the quality of gilsonite are high resin content, high solubility in organic solvents, high purity and compatibility, and high nitrogen content.

Gilsonite is available in varying degrees and is classified according to its degree of softness. The degree of softness is used as an approximate guide for dissolving the adhesive and solvent behaviors.

The chemical difference between degrees of Gilsonite is negligible, with only minor differences in molecular weight and resin content. When gilsonite is added to refinery bitumen, it reduces the penetration and increases the viscosity and increases its softening point.

Good Natural Gilsonite Lump Supplier Specifications

Good Natural Gilsonite Lump Supplier Specifications

Natural and high quality gilsonite is currently mainly available in the market. The supplier offers the best type of gilsonite with high quality so that the customer can more easily meet their needs as soon as possible and at a reasonable price.

At present, the supplier also offers first-class gilsonite directly to buyers across the country, directly and indirectly. You can buy gilsonite in person by visiting our site. Both price and quality are guaranteed and you can register your order with ease.

Since the sale is done without intermediaries, the announced prices are lower than the free market price.